Sunbow has recently established a "Food Access Fund" to subsidize the cost of food for those who cannot afford a CSA share! Please consider donating today. Donations can be made in any increment of $20. To donate go to: https://sunbowfarm.csaware.com/store/ and click on "Help a Family in Need".
Sunbow will match the first $1000 of donations.
Food Access Fund Boxes are "mini-boxes" valued at $15-20/wk and will run from mid-May to mid-Oct. Any funds unused for the above stated purpose will be donated to the St. Francis food pantry.
If you would like to nominate a Family in Need, please first contact them and make sure they are interested and willing to use the food. If so, then please send name and contact information to us at kristina@sunbowfarm.com. We will keep a list and let folks know as money becomes available to cover boxes. We can deliver if they live in Eau Claire or Altoona.