Join us and learn how! Back by popular demand, I am offering an 7 week class on Organic Vegetable Production. We cover topics from site selection, soil sampling, the what, when and where of plant selection, watering, weeding, pest id, and MORE! Format is primarily discussion based and includes demos of all tools and techniques discussed. Classes are held on Tuesdays, 6-8 pm from Feb. 18 - April 1. Can't come during the evening....find four other friends who want to take the class as well and I'll run a second class in the afternoon. Classes will be held in the NEW classroom building at the farm. Cost $125. Contact Kristina for more info or to register. Minimum of 5 people needed for class to run. Please confirm interest by February 1 so you have time to get books and prepare for the first class. kristina@sunbowfarm.com